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Home » Product>Angular contact ball bearing>d 10~200mm>Double Row Angular Contact Ball Bearing

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Double Row Angular Contact Ball Bearing

Angular contact ball bearings have a contact angle; they are designed to sustain significant combined axial and radial load simultaneously. ITS axial load carrying capacity increases with respect to the bearing's contact angle. The contact angle (∝) is defined as the angle between the line contacting the raceway and ball.

Matched angular contact ball bearings such as Back-to-back (DB), Face-to-face (DF) arrangements are also available for usage in applications where radial and axial loads in both directions can be sustained. Regarding the tandem arrangement (DT), please contact KONLON Technical Support.

selectInquiryBearing No.Boundary dimensions(mm) Basic load ratings(kN) Weight
30/5 2RS 5 14 7 1810 950 0.008
30/5 2Z 5 14 7 1810 950 0.008
30/6 2RS 6 17 9 3100 1400 0.01
30/6 2Z 6 17 9 3100 1400 0.01
30/7 2RS 7 19 10 3650 1700 0.012
30/7 2Z 7 19 10 3650 1700 0.012
30/8 2RS 8 22 11 5200 2610 0.02
30/8 2Z 8 22 11 5200 2610 0.02
3000 2RS 10 26 12 5700 3250 0.022
3000 2Z 10 26 12 5700 3250 0.022
3001 2RS 12 28 12 6200 3750 0.025
3001 2Z 12 28 12 6200 3750 0.025
3002 2RS 15 32 13 8600 5400 0.036
3002 2Z 15 32 13 8600 5400 0.036
3802 2RS 15 24 7 2340 1880 0.009
3802 2Z 15 24 7 2340 1880 0.009
3003 2RS 17 35 14 9200 6200 0.042
3003 2Z 17 35 14 9200 6200 0.042
3803 2RS 17 26 7 2480 2100 0.016
3803 2Z 17 26 7 2480 2100 0.016
3004 2RS 20 42 16 14500 9600 0.08
3004 2Z 20 42 16 14500 9600 0.08
3804 2RS 20 32 10 5600 4850 0.02
3804 2Z 20 32 10 5600 4850 0.02
3005 2RS 25 47 16 15500 11100 0.1
3005 2Z 25 47 16 15500 11100 0.1
3805 2RS 25 37 10 6000 5600 0.025
3805 2Z 25 37 10 6000 5600 0.025
3006 2RS 30 55 19 20300 13500 0.16
3006 2Z 30 55 19 20300 13500 0.16
3806 2RS 30 42 10 6300 6100 0.03
3806 2Z 30 42 10 6300 6100 0.03
3007 2RS 35 62 20 24500 16800 0.2
3007 2Z 35 62 20 24500 16800 0.2
3807 2RS 35 47 10 6700 7000 0.035
3807 2Z 35 47 10 6700 7000 0.035
3008 2RS 40 68 21 25500 18800 0.25
3008 2Z 40 68 21 25500 18800 0.25
3808 2RS 40 52 10 7000 7800 0.04
3808 2Z 40 52 10 7000 7800 0.04
3809 2RS 45 58 10 7200 8300 0.053
3809 2Z 45 58 10 7200 8300 0.053
3810 2RS 50 65 12 8700 10400 0.07
3810 2Z 50 65 12 8700 10400 0.07
4200A 10 30 14 9230 5200 0.049
4201A 12 32 14 10600 6200 0.053
4301A 12 37 17 13000 7800 0.092
4202A 15 35 14 11900 7500 0.059
4302A 15 42 17 14800 9500 0.12
4203A 17 40 16 14800 9500 0.09
4303A 17 47 19 19500 13200 0.16
4204A 20 47 18 17800 12500 0.14
4304A 20 52 21 23400 16000 0.21
4205A 25 52 18 19000 14600 0.16
4305A 25 62 24 31900 22400 0.34
4206A 30 62 20 26000 20800 0.26
4306A 30 72 27 41000 30000 0.5
4207A 35 72 23 35100 28500 0.4
4307A 35 80 31 50700 38000 0.69
4208A 40 80 23 37100 32500 0.5
4308A 40 90 33 55900 45000 0.95
4209A 45 85 23 39000 36000 0.54
4309A 45 100 36 68900 56000 1.25
4210A 50 90 23 41000 40000 0.58
4310A 50 110 40 81900 69500 1.7
4211A 55 100 25 44900 44000 0.8
4311A 55 120 43 97500 83000 2.15
4212A 60 110 28 57200 55000 1.1
4312A 60 130 46 112000 98000 2.65
4213A 65 120 31 67600 67000 1.45
4313A 65 140 48 121000 106000 3.25
4214A 70 125 31 70200 73500 1.5
4215A 75 130 31 72800 80000 1.6
4216A 80 140 33 80600 90000 2
5200 10 30 14 7410 4300 0.051
5300 10 35 19 10100 5600 0.092
5201 12 32 15.9 10100 5600 0.058
5301 12 37 19 13000 7300 0.109
5202 15 35 15.9 11200 6800 0.066
5302 15 42 19 15100 9150 0.13
5203 17 40 17.5 14000 8650 0.096
5303 17 47 22.2 21200 12500 0.18
5204 20 47 20.6 18600 12000 0.16
5304 20 52 22.2 22100 14300 0.22
5205 25 52 20.6 20300 14000 0.18
5305 25 62 25.4 31200 20800 0.35
5206 30 62 23.8 28100 20000 0.29
5306 30 72 30.2 41000 28500 0.53
5207 35 72 27 37100 27500 0.44
5307 35 80 34.9 48800 34000 0.73
5208 40 80 30.2 44900 33500 0.58
5308 40 90 36.5 59200 43000 0.95
5209 45 85 30.2 47500 38000 0.63
5309 45 100 39.7 72100 73500 1.4
5210 50 90 30.2 47500 39000 0.66
5310 50 110 44.4 88000 96500 1.95
5211 55 100 33.3 57200 67000 1.05
5311 55 120 49.2 95200 108000 2.55
5212 60 110 36.5 72100 85000 1.4
5312 60 130 54 112000 127000 3.25
5213 65 120 38.1 78100 95000 1.75
5313 65 140 58.7 128000 150000 4.1
5214 70 125 39.7 76500 98000 1.9
5314 70 150 63.5 147000 173000 5.05
5215 75 130 41.3 84200 110000 2.1
5216 80 140 44.4 101000 134000 2.65
LR50/5NPPU 5 17 7 1650 950 0.01
LR50/6NPPU 6 19 9 2650 1310 0.02
LR50/7NPPU 7 22 10 3300 1690 0.02
LR50/8NPPU 8 24 11 4200 2360 0.03
LR5000KDDU 10 28 12 4750 2850 0.03
LR5000NPPU 10 28 12 4750 2850 0.03
LR5200KDDU 10 32 14 6800 4050 0.07
LR5200KDD 10 32 14 6800 4050 0.07
LR5200NPPU 10 32 14 6800 4050 0.07
305700C-2Z 10 32 14 6800 4050 0.07
305800C-2Z 10 32 14 6800 4050 0.07
LR5001NPPU 12 30 12 4950 3100 0.03
LR5201KDDU 12 35 15.9 8600 5100 0.08
LR5201KDD 12 35 15.9 8600 5100 0.08
LR5201NPPU 12 35 15.9 8600 5100 0.08
LR5301KDDU 12 42 19 11300 7100 0.12
LR5301KDD 12 42 19 11300 7100 0.12
LR5301NPPU 12 42 19 11300 7100 0.12
305701C-2Z 12 35 15.9 8600 5100 0.08
305801C-2Z 12 35 15.9 8600 5100 0.08
LR5002NPPU 15 35 13 6500 4100 0.05
LR5202KDDU 15 40 15.9 9800 6200 0.11
LR5202KDD 15 40 15.9 9800 6200 0.11
LR5202NPPU 15 40 15.9 9800 6200 0.11
LR5302KDDU 15 47 19 14600 9200 0.15
LR5302KDD 15 47 19 14600 9200 0.15
LR5302NPPU 15 47 19 14600 9200 0.15
305702C-2Z 15 40 15.9 9800 6200 0.11
305802C-2Z 15 40 15.9 9800 6200 0.11
306702C-2Z 15 47 19 14600 9200 0.15
306802C-2Z 15 47 19 14600 9200 0.15
LR 5003 NPPU 17 40 14 7700 5200 0.07
LR 5203 KDDU 17 47 17.5 12600 8200 0.17
LR 5203 KDD 17 47 17.5 12600 8200 0.17
LR 5203 NPPU 17 47 17.5 12600 8200 0.17
LR 5303 KDDU 17 52 22.2 17200 11100 0.21
LR 5303 KDD 17 52 22.2 17200 11100 0.21
LR 5303 NPPU 17 52 22.2 17200 11100 0.21
305703C-2Z 17 47 17.5 12600 8200 0.17
305803C-2Z 17 47 17.5 12600 8200 0.17
306703C-2Z 17 52 22.2 17200 11100 0.21
306803C-2Z 17 52 22.2 17200 11100 0.21
LR 5004 NPPU 20 47 16 11500 7700 0.12
LR 5204 KDDU 20 52 20.6 15800 10500 0.23
LR 5204 KDD 20 52 20.6 15800 10500 0.23
LR 5204 NPPU 20 52 20.6 15800 10500 0.23
LR 5304 KDDU 20 62 22.2 21100 14500 0.34
LR 5304 KDD 20 62 22.2 21100 14500 0.34
LR 5304 NPPU 20 62 22.2 21100 14500 0.34
305704C-2Z 20 52 20.6 15800 10500 0.23
305804C-2Z 20 52 20.6 15800 10500 0.23
306704C-2Z 20 62 22.2 21100 14500 0.34
306804C-2Z 20 62 22.2 21100 14500 0.34
LR 5005 NPPU 25 52 16 11600 8100 0.15
LR 5205 KDDU 25 62 20.6 18500 13000 0.34
LR 5205 KDD 25 62 20.6 18500 13000 0.34
LR 5205 NPPU 25 62 20.6 18500 13000 0.34
LR 5305 KDDU 25 72 25.4 27500 19500 0.5
LR 5305 KDD 25 72 25.4 27500 19500 0.5
LR 5305 NPPU 25 72 25.4 27500 19500 0.5
305705C-2Z 25 62 20.6 18500 13000 0.34
305805C-2Z 25 62 20.6 18500 13000 0.34
306705C-2Z 25 72 25.4 27500 19500 0.5
306805C-2Z 25 72 25.4 27500 19500 0.5
LR 5006 NPPU 30 62 19 15800 11800 0.25
LR 5206 KDDU 30 72 23.8 24600 21400 0.51
LR 5206 KDD 30 72 23.8 24600 21400 0.51
LR 5206 NPPU 30 72 23.8 24600 21400 0.51
LR 5306 KDDU 30 80 30.2 36500 26500 0.67
LR 5306 KDD 30 80 30.2 36500 26500 0.67
LR 5306 NPPU 30 80 30.2 36500 26500 0.67
305706C-2Z 30 72 23.8 24600 21400 0.51
305806C-2Z 30 72 23.8 24600 21400 0.51
306706C-2Z 30 80 30.2 36500 26500 0.67
306806C-2Z 30 80 30.2 36500 26500 0.67
LR 5007 NPPU 35 68 20 17600 13100 0.3
LR 5207 KDDU 35 80 27 30500 22400 0.66
LR 5207 KDD 35 80 27 30500 22400 0.66
LR 5207 NPPU 35 80 27 30500 22400 0.66
LR 5307 KDDU 35 90 34.9 44500 33000 0.97
LR 5307 KDD 35 90 34.9 44500 33000 0.97
LR 5307 NPPU 35 90 34.9 44500 33000 0.97
305707C-2Z 35 80 27 30500 22400 0.66
305807C-2Z 35 80 27 30500 22400 0.66
306707C-2Z 35 90 34.9 44500 33000 0.97
306807C-2Z 35 90 34.9 44500 33000 0.97
LR 5008 NPPU 40 75 21 18400 14600 0.37
LR 5208 KDDU 40 85 30.2 34500 25500 0.75
LR 5208 KDD 40 85 30.2 34500 25500 0.75
LR 5208 NPPU 40 85 30.2 34500 25500 0.75
LR 5308 KDDU 40 100 36.5 56000 42000 1.2
LR 5308 KDD 40 100 36.5 56000 42000 1.2
LR 5308 NPPU 40 100 36.5 56000 42000 1.2
306708C-2Z 40 100 36.5 56000 42000 1.2
306808C-2Z 40 100 36.5 56000 42000 1.2

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